cr�ation de site e-commerce

Let us create together your e-commerce site. We propose you an experience for the whole e-commerce site. Implementation of Prestashop, Ogone, Amazon, AdWords, etc... But also of invaluable advice acquired with the field experience such as the inventory management, the packaging of the parcel, the management of the expedition of parcel, etc.

The e-commerce Web site

Solutions e-commerce

From a technical point of view, you need a website on which your users will be able to buy your products.

The technical aspect of your e-commerce includes:

  • Product data sheets
  • A system of baskets
  • A system of payment

The fundamental that we can achieve custom or with a CMS like Prestatshop.

The sales´s management

If the management of sales and stocks is already managed in your company, it will be necessary to put in relation the e-commerce site with your software of sales management. For every commercial software of management, there is a solution which we can set up. So, you can manage your sales e-commerce directly via your commercial software. And as every e-commerce is different, we can develop custom-made solutions to meet your needs.

How to have customers ?

We can help you via 4 ways of the operational marketing:

  • AdWords and SEO (the Internet users look for your products or your brand)
  • Amazon and marketplaces (the Internet users look for your products on a marketplace)
  • Facebook and the social networks (develop loyalty of your Internet users and forge your online brand
  • Newsletter (develop loyalty of your customers with promotions news)

For every axis, we have a technical solution as well as an expert to your service.

Our experience

The technical realization of an e-commerce site is for us a simple task which we realize every day. The hardest in e-commerce is the marketing, to sell. The competitive universe is often very dense and it is necessary to build up itself a place in this universe. It is exactly on this point that we developed skills. So, we can study and set up strategies so that you sold your products.

Paypal Ogone